
Somebody Please Clue Me In

I admit to certain limitations in respect to having grown up in the middle of a corn field but on the other hand compared to some I'm a full fledged braniac. Admittedly there's confusion on this one.

The U.S. Army plans to prevent media from covering Twatzilla's appearance at Fort Bragg, fearing the event will turn into political grandstanding against President Barack Obama

What the fuck is this dumb bitch doing hawking her stupid fucking book at an army base and why is this allowed? Hey stupid army types she fucking quit member that. Is this what she will instill into your troops that it's okay to quit? This pipe dream for simple boys fantasy's has about as much credibility as a drugged up fat ass Limbo saying he believes in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a women as he's diddling a young boy with the help of a couple vacationing priests in the Dominican Republic.



  1. who the fuck does she think she is and who the fuck cares about her fuckin book!! She makes me puke!!

  2. WTF. I believe that commercial promotion on governemnt property is ilegal. No solicitation signs are at the gates. Meaning anything on base cannot be solicited. This is just crazy!

  3. Agree with Sue and lahru... this is fuckin c-ra-z-y!!

  4. The army is already coping with one disaster, why invite another?

  5. What about Obama's books? Are they banned from our military installations. What code is Dear Sarah speaking in and to whom? This bitch would shoot her children if God and Country called: we just need to find out if she's going to talk about "real Americans" as opposed to the rest of the population. This is just so much garbage rolled into a giant fascist turd ball I'm having a hard time flushing it from my mind.

  6. This must mean Chomsky is not showing up anytime soon.

  7. Chomsky Momsky, I want my MaPo !!! Noam's too busy teaching remedial English to PHd students to be bothered with the nuances of arrival on the time/space continium. Bessa mi cuelo!
