
Sunday Morning Crazy Bat Shit Catholic Madness

You betcha she's another mighty big day in the 52 leading up to the real birther story coming up soon where none of the religious nutters dare to go. How many million will be attending services today where politics is part of or all of the sermon - living proof how seriously flawed our society has become in respect to religion and guvment.

Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin has banned Rep. Patrick Kennedy from receiving Communion

Never fucking ever said these people shouldn't be able to do their thing. But over so many years non-believers have been portrayed as pretty damn nasty and flawed people and of course the reality is that we're the sane ones. Always been that way.

Could not one but a bunch of the ones that are supposed to be on our side call these people out on this shit! It's so long over due. Religions association with government is out of fucking control and is just another blaring example that our society is in severe decline.


  1. Kennedy ought to call Tobin's bluff, go to his church and attempt to receive communion, take the bastards on.

  2. I'm not a defender of Catholics, don't understand communion and don't want to either! As for church services talking politics today, you betcha they are, fuckers....

  3. I was brought up with that strict Catholic belief but have emotionally left the church over 40 years ago.
