
Another Milestone In Aghanistan

And this is after years of getting several #2's and bunch of 3's and a whole lot of civilians in the quest for something that even idiots know is unattainable.

Check out what Russ has to say on another very important milestone over at the Private Buffoon. We always want to outdo Russia ya know there.

Our country loves war death and destruction over everything else. Food for hungry kids so they can think better than on a stomach that does not rumble. No we want the rumble of C-130's bringing fresh human fodder and bullets so we can perform the next to impossible.

How many will perish today so the few in power have something to jerk off to!

Year US UK Other Total
2001 12 0 0 12
2002 49 3 17 69
2003 48 0 9 57
2004 52 1 7 60
2005 99 1 31 131
2006 98 39 54 191
2007 117 42 73 232
2008 155 51 89 295
2009 316 108 95 519
2010 54 19 19 92
Total 1000 264 394 1658


  1. How many Empires have to crash and burn in Afghani dust before reality sets in. Even the Brits are not paying attention to their own history, this must be the third time they have had boots on the ground there. Empires leave, the tribal leaders and the poppy fields remain.

  2. It's so old all thoughts turn to disgust almost immediately.

    There's a story coming Holte.

  3. We have the wrist watch, they have the time.
    Unfortunately I believe Marjah is just a stepping stone for Patreus and the boyz. Kandahar is their real propaganda aim. If they enter Kandahar it will make Fallujah look like a walk in the park.

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  5. You know Blazer you actually brought up some things that merited consideration for a bit of discussion.

    Then just like that you turned into a prick.

    Go fuck yourself somewhere else asshole!

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