
Baptists Concerned About Image Of Being Child Kidnappers

We have concerns here as well. That this and other crap like it is being done on a daily basis by religious nutters many places because well ya know it's for da finger snapper and it's all okay. Nothing to see or be concerned about here. Move along children.

If only you people could open your minds up to a bit of Reality there's a chance you would not be quite so fucked up.


  1. Baptists Concerned About Image Of Being Child Kidnappers

    They should be thankful for small favors. That's not bad compared with the image Catholic priests have earned.

  2. What a distinction to have. Back in the cornfield I suggest good poopers at parish level need to demand accountability with the child rape that continues to go in their name. They look at you like your're fucking crazy.

  3. LOL. Wonder if I could become a Pastor for the Church of Reality.
    We could then all get ZONED out together.

  4. Even if the Baptists were real about an orphanage in the DR, to support it they would soon enough turn it into a resort for old white men with money and viagra. Hey Rush, you listening?

  5. Married people with children, homes, jobs, most likely money in the bank, educated but have the onerous affliction of being religious zealots do something that to most people seems illogical. Kidnaps some children, so that they can...?

    A person with no children, no home, no job, no money in the bank, uneducated and have the onerous affliction of being religious zealots does something that seems illogical.
    Straps a bomb to their body and...?

    You know it's not funny given the circumstances, well, yes it is, these same people say pot fucks you up.

    Pot, safer than religion, whood a known!

  6. This is all just a big misunderstanding. Hah! I wonder what the inside of Haitian prison looks like after an earthquake? After 2 years? They'll bribe and pay there way out 'cause they're doin' the Lord's work.
