
Bush Whores Back In The Media Saddle

Meaning Yoo and Bybee

Bush administration lawyers who drafted legal theories that led to waterboarding and other harsh treatment of terrorism suspects showed poor judgment but won't face sanctions for professional misconduct, according to a published report.

We were mistaken to think these two or any of the others in the last administration were ever going to be held accountable for their actions. They knew that from the very beginning and their actions prove they were untouchable even years into the future and that is what's scary.

Yikes-it's the first day of the second month of the year already. May it be a good one for you!!


  1. When the vast majority of the U.S. citizens show poor judgement they get it with both barrels from the injustice system. When lawyers show judgement that's criminal in intent nothing happens. This is also true at the state level with judges and attorneys. There is no bar low enough to set for these so-called professionals. Most politicians are lawyers so go figure.

  2. This deal was made long ago. The Obama regime is no complicit. Sometimes the cover up is worst than the crime. This is one of those cases. History will look down about this. We are no longer the beacon on the hill to shine for justice.
