
Lock & Load Time In The Parks

Do ya feel safer now punk-well do ya?

Carrying firearms now OK in most National Parks across the country

We really didn't need this and it was done to appease the NRA. The dims will continue to be framed as the party that wants to take away your guns. None of this shit makes a bit of difference in that respect.

FYI it's -15


  1. There's some of these parks, though, where carrying a gun is decidedly in order. Have you actually been out into the Death Valley back-country recently? There's some scary characters "camping" back there! You don't want to sniff too heavily, because they might decide you're a DEA dude looking for meth labs and off your ass. Then there's the problem of the illegal grow areas, which have sprouted up alongside most of the waterways in the backcountry. Now, me, I don't care what people smoke or toke in the privacy of their own homes, but these dudes seem to very much dislike someone hiking up the creek right through the middle of their grow, and if they don't shoot you, you are at very least in danger of getting knifed.

    When you think of "national park" you're maybe thinking of your local city park, which is all nice and polite and everything. But some of these national parks are pretty damn remote, where the nearest cop is hours away even if you had some way of contacting him (which you don't, cell phones don't work out there). Some of the places I've hiked back there, no ranger has been back there for years. But the meth-heads have set up meth labs back there, and the growers have set up grows back there, even though they're so remote -- or maybe *because* they're so remote that they know The Man isn't going to come back there. And if you stumble upon their secret... dude. These ain't nice folks, okay?

    I know people who have been illegally carrying in national parks for years. They keep their weapon well hidden but available. And some of them have had to pull their weapon to defend themselves when they stumbled on a meth lab in progress or something like that. 'Nuff said.

    - Badtux the Seein'-the-point Penguin

  2. Yes they are out there. Initially I saw this being abused in places where a gun is not needed and it will be to some extent that's just the way things work. May people use common sense here and it will work out fine. Mom and the kids don't need to feel intimidated by a group brandishing guns next to where they are camped in Rocky Mountain National Park where there really is not that much danger at the camp sites.

    On another matter BTux. You taking the time to look up past posts you made on nuclear energy and putting them into links was appreciated.

    When I first came here over 30 years ago sometime before arriving I had seen a program on prairie dogs and the jist of it was they were facing extinction.

    On the way to see relatives in Casper from Denver took back roads so to speak on the way up. I'd like to think I am somewhat knowledgeable about animal life and such things but what in the hell were these animals that were crossing the road getting run over-shit man they were everywhere. Prairie dogs and trust me there was no danger of extinction back then or now. What a bunch of bullshit I believed.

    On that note you presented a positions on our energy situation I had not read before and from now on I will look at that issue in a different way. I would also welcome other posts on that if you ever feel like doing so.

    At the request of a reader who would like a story or two about experiences in Africa there is one in the works. I'm sure most will call bullshit on this but it did happen. Over the years I've never told it much at all. I don't know what the hell it was I just call it a spirit.

    Thanks for spending some time here Tux!

  3. One thing to think about, is that you still have to abide by state and county laws when you're inside a National Park. Like, here in California, it's practically impossible to get a concealed weapon permit and open carry is permissible only in a few small counties. The only practical effect of this law in California is that you'll no longer have to disassemble your hunting weapons and store them in pieces in a locked compartment when going through a national park to get to the area where you're wanting to hunt (note that DVNP in particular has a few state highways that go through it where you end up driving through part of the park to get from point A to point B not in the park).
