
Move Along Charlie

Chuck Rangel has been on the hill for 34 years. I don't give a shit if he's the Queen of Egypt. An investigation has found him lacking when it comes to doing the right thing when you're an elected official.

I want some accountability not later but now and how long he's been there or what he's done means squat to me. Send the message once and for all behavior like this will not be allowed.

I'll believe it when it happens and a tiny slap will not satisfy.


  1. This guy is now a liability to the Democratic party. The Party needs to remove him, at least from his chairmanship.

  2. Excellent picture Tom! I don't know if he did anything wrong this time but I do not trust him. They should remove him but they won't. I hope the vast majority in both parties get voted out!

  3. My whole point guys is that if there had been a bit of accountability during the little bush years we would not be in the world of shit we are now. We need this in our government but we will not get it.

  4. I am so sick of listening to him..going, going gone all ready!!
