
Puppet Boobies Be Bad

You betcha there alright. The do gooders down in Colorady Springs where so much christian debauchery is the norm cannot have none of this in their fine town.

Puppet cleavage-yea that's right. Puppets just like the greased down marionettes that parade around on stage during their Sunday god rants.

I don't understand what the beef is about. It's dark more than it's light out and remember the lights don't turned on in nutterville because money be tight.

A puppet here this morning wouldn't be showing anything as it's -10.

Have a good one.


  1. That's what happens when you're sex starved. Everything you see has a sexual emphasis. I wonder if they're planning on putting big rubber bras on some of the mountains around there that look like a woman's tit?

  2. PM, back when I was first starting out, back in the Paleolithic, I considered a job with a defense contractor that was based in Colorady Springs. I talked to someone about the community and realized: this place (CS) is full of nutters! I mean, even by the standards of a kid from the BIBLE BELT of the American South, the folks around Colorado Springs are nutters. Needless to say I expressed about as much enthusiasm for moving to Colorado Springs as I'd express for being anally raped, and I think we sort of mutually agreed that nope, not the job for me.

    - Badtux the High Tech Penguin

  3. Nothing would surprise me PM. I too almost went to work there as well but I figured out I didn't want them and the Springs before they didn't want me. Whew!

    There are some real fighters there on our side-it's just that they're so out numbered. Was there in '03 to protest the upcoming invasion. There were many there and of course when they hit the streets the cops started beating people.

    I never have to drive through there and that's a good thing.

  4. This reminds me of a group of religious whack-jobs who insisted on putting clothes on the statues in front of the Convention Center in Sacramento, CA. They were so offended by the human form they couldn't cope...I don't know where to put this in my brain, but puppet cleavage? Seriously? What would they do if they ever saw puppet dick?

  5. I don't have the answer to that Skip but this is just another example of just how stupid our society really is plus the state our media is in as well. Thanks for coming by.
