
Read It And Weep

Sorry O I forgot you're in college now but can't read. If you are unable to do that chances are one in three you cannot write worth a shit or balance your bank account. Who knows maybe all three.


  1. Thanks for covering this, One Fly.

    And they are cutting back, right?

    After all, the diploma mills are operating perfectly now.


  2. Higher education s a sore subject with me right now One Fly. My daughter and son in law both live with me after they graduated from college. President Obama said we need more math and science majors. I've got one here that finally found a job as a telemarketer. But he's great helping my other kids with their math homework. So his parents 40 grand didn't go to waste. Of course the 30 grand I spent is sitting on the couch unemployed as we speak.

  3. I hear that Truth. There are no jobs here where the case for the last 19yrs has been if you wanted to work you could. Not now.

    Something tells me the two unemployed hanging out can read and write real good and figure out how many miles to the gallon they're getting.

  4. One Fly- Quit stepping on my lines. I've told you before about training h.s.grads+ how to do the simple math to figure out m.p.g. This was at first shocking. Then it became depressing. I feel the pain of people who are paying off student loans. I thank my lucky stars I could throw a baseball. To console those deep in debt I tell them a good education lasts a lifetime so they've got 45 yrs to pay for it.

  5. Geography, social studies,typing, english [my fave], mathematics[my bane], gym, french, drama.

    These have served me well for 57 years and when you introduce tech stuff into schools without proper supervision you allow students not learn the basics.

    Education os A2Z, not A,TUVXWY.

  6. But George W. Bush's No Child Left Behind Act fixes all that, I'm sure. Our kids are now the best at taking tests of any kids on the planet. Why, if they ever run across a cash register that requires them to bubble in the correct amount of change to give you back, they'll be right prepared, yessiree!

    - Badtux the Snarky Former Teacher Penguin

  7. Thanks for taking the time to comment you guys!

  8. Like you Camper I could throw things pretty good and we still can. May not be able to as well as back then but you sure as hell don't want us older fucks throwing anything at you.

  9. I had a friend tell me that she read a paper from a first year college student that stated; "Firstly" instead of "First". The Regressives have done a good job in dumbing down Americans.

  10. I've ranted enough on this subject to the point I'm burned out on it. Saint Reagan's deadly hands still working in all sectors of our society. Remember "A Nation At Risk?" Guess who put us there?

  11. If I was the boss PM you would be in charge of edukation.

  12. If you take a remedial course in college, you do not get college credit for it. Maybe we should do like they did in the old days,if a kid had trouble reading, stick him in shop class. Fly-- I feel sorry that you got yer knuckles rapped in class by an old fat habit wearin babe.

  13. I was lucky-they never beat me but tried the other tactics and that didn't work either.
