
Can You Go To Hell For Looking The Other Way?

When you're Poop Benny the Rat's brother maybe that should be taken into consideration when the time comes. The old fart is 86 and could be checking out at any time.

The pope's brother said in a newspaper interview published Tuesday that he slapped pupils as punishment after he took over a renowned German boys' choir in the 1960s. He also said he was aware of allegations of physical abuse at an elementary school linked to the choir but did nothing about it.

This is really getting old and now it's the pope's brother that looked the other way. They all look the other way and for a long time too.

This is sick shit because it continues to this very day and nothing is really done except for a bit of lip service.

This has become evil and every Catholic who does not demand this stop even at parish level becomes part of the evil that is called pedophilia.


  1. What this displays is just how stupid the whole cloud guy thing actually is. The Vatican is the top floor of the proverbial building that is the Catholic church and the view from the top provides no better view of God than someone under ground in a cave.

    When you are living large, surrounded by servants who do your bidding, you develope a mindset of invincability and your needs are formost.

    As long as the cash keeps comin'.

    There are few issues of public perception you cannot overcome.

    But the times they are a changin'.

    I dare say that 30 years from now most western religions will have a hard time existing.

    BTW Since heaven doesn't exist, neither does hell, and what about purgatory? The green room to Heaven? Ca'mon...

  2. Yea that purgatory place. No matter what crazy catholics are going to punish no matter what if you've had a little too much fun ya know.

  3. Fun, thats a word you don't read or hear much anymore in our MSM it's all gloom and doom.
