
Cat Killer

You just don't do shit like this but I can tell you there are plenty of dumb fuckers down there in the Ditch and that is a fact!!!

A 27-year-old Oak Creek man is accused of aggravated animal cruelty after witnesses said he ran over a cat in downtown Oak Creek last week. The Routt County Sheriff’s Office has not released the man’s name. According to a news release from the Sheriff’s Office, witnesses said the man, driving a red pickup, chased the cat up the hill on Moffat Avenue and ran it over. A passenger in the pickup reportedly admitted to running over the cat because it was living in a shop nearby. The suspect is ordered to appear in court at 8:30 a.m. April 27 on charges of aggravated animal cruelty, a Class 6 felony.


  1. How many people are murdered and no one hears about it, but be mean to one cat...

  2. Or a man's dog. Don't you dare kill a man's dog, especially if the dog is a loyal mutt or a friendly Lab or something rather than one of those scary-looking breeds. Indeed, there's some parts of the country where killing a dog gets a bigger fine than killing a human being. Down in Texas-land a few years back, a 73-year old farmer shot a Mexican in the back and stood over him until he died of blood loss (rather than calling for an ambulance) after the Mexican had come to the door and asked for a drink of water, then when told go away, the Mexican did exactly that but the farmer shot him anyhow. He got fined $5,000 for negligent discharge of a firearm, probably woulda got a medal if the judge hadn't admonished the jury of his neighbors and peers. But if you shoot a man's dog down there, you're going to see the inside of a jail cell, guaranteed.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. That is soooo sick!

    Wasn't it Texas where a few years ago a black man was dragged to death. I'm not going to Texas because I have a feeling something bad will happen to me there.

  4. What are they doing treating cats or dogs as bad as they do people how dare they?

  5. Texans over react to things man. They order invasions and chase cats.
