
It's Getting Dark Out

They let him speak the truth because he's a small man and garners little attention. When the time arrived to serve their masters and Dennis Kucinich was still not on board they took him to the back room where he was given the "or else" treatment and all of a sudden wa-la he's on board the corporate gravy train for HCR. Imagine that.

I don't give a shit what anyone says this bill if passed does not come anywhere close to what is needed. It's a sham and unacceptable.

In the wings is Broadband legislation.

Judging from the back-slapping and high fives over at the FCC, you’d think that America’s Internet was sailing smoothly into the future. Think again.

When this is finished the corporations will be just as happy as the HC bastards. We will be screwed here as well and when they have control of the internets - game over.

I suppose many will call that a win as well.

1 comment:

  1. You know anything that's going to be done to "improve" Internet access is going to cost an arm and a leg. Consumers, especially low-income, get screwed again.
