
Same BS Just A Different Year

Petraeus flapp'in his jaw once again with the samo about their two wars over there. Shit like-

“Significant work remains in improving the quality of the Afghan force through enhanced partnering, training and recruiting.”

“critical shortages” that “continue to degrade mission effectiveness.”

and on and on. Big fucking deal.

Then there's the complaint-

To that end, more trainers are needed — and more may come out of U.S. forces. NATO countries, Petraeus said, have supplied only about half of the total U.S. officials recently pressed for.

Anybody with an ounce of humanity doesn't want to play your war games asshole. You know country's that choose health care and education over war.

No you wouldn't would you!

1 comment:

  1. It's the same old "If we had more troops we could finish the job." You can smell it coming.
