
Can You Go To Hell For Looking The Other Way

At this level of religious bullshit not caring and turning your back on the rape of children by buddy's of yours who wear the same flowery robes resignation is not enough.

At this level and depth of debauchery jail is more appropriate.


  1. Sad to say that this has been going on for thousands of years. :( Have you ever seen a PBS show called Secrets of the Dead? I was so fascinated with this one that I bought it.

    Of particular interest to me were the monk's bones in the cemetery that were damaged by syphlis before Columbus "discovered" America. The Brits have recently challenged this, though.

  2. No I haven't Nunya but I read the link. I do like mysteries of this sort. The priests I met in Africa were not celibate. I just do this to hopefully raise awareness to somebody somewhere and I know that probably doesn't happen. It just pisses me off to no end the crap that comes from the robes who have the power to stop this if they wanted. They don't want to.

    All this gets so old after so many years of the samo.

  3. At that level and for that reason you better believe it but they probably think God will not care because they wear the cloth and save others. Sick!
