
Not A Statistic To Be Proud Of

These numbers are not good and is in my opinion an indication of things to come.

Colorado has the fastest-growing child-poverty rate in the nation — a distinction attributed to a burgeoning number of poor in Denver's suburbs and a widening gap between Latino and non-Latino income.

Another business closes here on Wednesday and this past weekend heard of a lifelong friend who lives here who is letting his house be foreclosed.


  1. We live, and have a small business just outside of Phoenix.
    I can not begin to tell you the pain that is in the air here.
    Businesses are closing right, and left.
    Trades people have not had jobs for months, if not years.
    People are losing their homes right and left. When you see 3-4-5- cars parked over night in front of one house.It shows that families are doubling up. No, there are not spending the night, they are all forced to live under one roof.
    This JOBS BILL is a fucking joke. Unless you are a bankster getting absurd bonuses, the pain is on.
    Even finance reform will be a joke.
    They want to put [consumer protection] in the house of the FED. This is a slap in the face of the american citizens.
    The lag time is what is killing the soul, dreams, and aspirations of America.
    Our leaders can not govern. This is plain to see. They only care about getting re-elected.
    The spineless dems could not fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

  2. That is only one of the disturbing statistics. Being from the east I would be surprised about that in Colorado except for taking the but from the airport downtown. What a surprise!

  3. I was surprised to see this as well Jim and to expand on what RZ says the job situation here is not good even a little bit. It's ok for me but those who struggle or have lost a job it's similar to the housing issue. It's not coming back and if it does it will take a very long time and be nowhere close to where it was before.

  4. I grieve with your friend losing his home. Somehow the MSM is out of touch with reality. This economy is not getting better, it's getting worse.

  5. The economy is not improving, the easy way to tell is use your eyes in your home town.

  6. That's for damn sure men. Things for sale all over the place put along side the road. Even here in Ski Town USA where the realtor whores and local fishwrapper keep saying that she's gonna come back.

    It will a bit but those that have lost already just are not going to get much back.
