
Scary Numbers

The HCB is a big one with many numbers. Penalty numbers are known values it seems.

Americans who don't get qualified health insurance will be required to pay  penalties starting in 2014
The penalties will be fully phased in by 2016. 
 Penalties will be phased in starting in 2014.
By 2016, those who must get  insurance but don't will be fined $695 or 2.5 percent of their household income,  whichever is greater.
After 2016, the penalties will be increased by annual cost-of-living  adjustments.

To me these numbers raise the very possibly pissed off flag way up in the air more so than being scary at this time anyway.

The numbers that need to be seen but aren't is approximate cost of this item you will be forced to purchase so that there will no punishment by the government.

Anybody who comes around here knows where I'm coming from.

To me I find these aspects very scary. I want government participation in our society but not like this.

1 comment:

  1. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Nearly-4M-people-could-pay-apf-2747238688.html?x=0

    Medi-care for all was never even on the O team Corporate dinner table.

    This is a repub/Romney Health plan.
    Shame on the dems for spinning it into something it is not.
