
According To Free Press We've Been Sold Out Again

We need this badly but of course we were never going to get Net Neutrality anyway.  

Does anyone understand that we have absolutely no control over a thing even though we elected a majority to vote for ""We the People's" best interest's. It will only get worse -count on it.



  1. I thought the Big O and Kucinich were the only two that had a clue about Net Neutrality... where the fuck are our legislators?

    mind you, this is all BEFORE the Citizens United ruling really starts gripping the throat of our democracy (or republic, whichever one prefers calling America)....

  2. Some say it's getting a bit better Rev. Kucinich got his with the health care bill. They have been told to shut the fuck up or else.

    Of course they will do just that as they also know what the "or else" means.

    Doesn't anyone on the left understand we don't get a fucking thing except more of the bad.

    Watch the big corporations take complete control of this. That means independents like I use will be history as well. It may take a bit but that's just what is going to happen.
