
Animal Producers Under Attack For Being Inhumane And They Cry

The tears are flowing the accusations piling up by those who mass produce animals for society's meat sources.
Here's one comparing


What they're whining about is measures passed by the people to give animals who are raised in cages more room. It's the corporations talking here.

Raising and processing animals on a massive scale is not for the feint of heart. It's tough, nasty and the butchering process should be seen by every American because there is a major difference between animals and humans and our society needs to understand that.

That won't happen because we love war and death.

I don't have a problem with forcing these producers to treat these animals better during their short life span.


  1. Watch Frederick Wiseman's Meat (1976), a documentary filmed in Greeley.

  2. Makes one want to become a vegetarian.

  3. Uhm, they're *food*. I don't see how it's any less humane to keep a chicken in cramped quarters than it is to chop the chicken's head and send him to someone's dinner plate. Now, if you're gonna make arguments that it's a safety issue, that keeping chickens too close together spreads diseases and stuff like that, fine. But for me, the whole "humane" issue when we're talking about critters whose fate is the plate is nonsense.

    - Badtux the Carnivorous Penguin

  4. When it comes to that Tux they don't feel a thing and that is a fact.

    Up to that point however whether its chickens or other animals you can see fear and hurt in their eyes and it's not pleasant to see happen.

    Seeing that fear,hurt or whatever until they reach maturity when the end comes is wrong and I think this decision is the correct one.

  5. Glad I AM a vegetarian! Great post dude!
