
The Answer Is Simple

On how to get this oil shut off because so far as I can tell it's still killing the oceans.

Let's see-we have killed dozens in covert operations,overthrown numerous governments,went to Panama and grabbed Noriega who still sits in the slammer and started a war for lies and oil. You know where this is going.

Easy-go round up the players involved in this and put their nuts in a vise and if there aren't any nuts it's teat in a wringer then for the others.

Do that and things will happen - count on it.

This is no joke I'm serious as can be.


  1. You know One Fly. Even if nothing happens these jokers still need to have their nuts in vises. That would assuage my pain at watching the Gulf of Mexico slowly die.

  2. You're so right T101. I threw this up quickly just because I'm so outraged. I think it's very fair to say much of the Gulf coast is doomed.

  3. The other day I was showing a friend of mine what I would physically do to these oil riggers of catastrophe.

    He stared at me in disbelief and asked me if I was retired CIA, or some other alphabet soup variety.
    If the Cheney cabal can do it, then why can't I?

    At least I would be justified.

    I promise you, no one is hoping, and wishing more for this to stop than Obama.
    If this kill plug, or whatever does not work. This will be Obama's Political Katrina.

  4. I'm on board, sweetie.

    It's only fair.

    What else can we do?

    I'm open to suggestion.


    round up the players involved in this and put their nuts in a vise and if there aren't any nuts it's teat in a wringer then for the others.

  5. When this thing gets shut of and that is a big when there needs to be some real accountability and better regulations put in place.

    But there won't be at least any with real teeth. I mean after all who the fuck are we to speak up!

  6. Once more.
    I think I have said this before but I will say it again.
    We produce 2% of the global oil.
    We consume 25% of the global oil.
    So if we shut these fuckers down completely it will NOT make that big of a difference.

    We will have to start consuming less, and less.
    We are at peak oil now. Not 50 years from now.
