
Krugman Is Right But Wrong On What Has Really Changed

Agree on the media for the most part. Disagree on what the reality really is at least to me. He says the tea baggers happened because of the economy.

and in bad times, the gut reaction of many voters is to move right. 

That’s the message of a recent paper by the economists Markus Brückner and  Hans Peter Grüner, who find a striking correlation between economic performance  and political extremism in advanced nations: in both America and Europe, periods  of low economic growth tend to be associated with a rising vote for right-wing  and nationalist political parties. The rise of the Tea Party, in other words,  was exactly what we should have expected in the wake of the economic crisis. 

Probably and goes on to say-

If the economy continues to add jobs, we can expect some of the air to go out of  the Tea Party movement. 

That could very well be but what I've been trying to say is that this is what the Republicans have always been -Teabaggers and they in recent history have come out of the closet so to speak.

No matter what a Republican says he is if he doesn't say Teabagger he's fucking lying to you because when it comes time to vote he will vote the line. It is the Teabagger type candidate running for office across the country and they are very powerful.

This group is being dismissed because it's numbers are considered small. It's more than numbers here in this equation to think about.


  1. Bad economic times lead indeed to extremism , but in the present situation, it could lead to more than that, it could lead to civil war both in America and in Europe.

  2. I agree Duta and thank you for the visit!!

    The oil spill could be the catalyst for let's just say bad things around the globe.
