

Business as fucking usual in our country even with the oil spill that the BP whores lied about. What else does anyone expect?

You simple bastards that listen to and vote for these people who support those who favor corporations are enemy's of my country and that sure as hell includes slimeball Dems as well.

Look at the world of shit we are in and it is the direct result of not calling into account those who do harm to our nation like the Bush whores did for eight years.

Take away the regulations that protect the little people like you and me and what do you get-monetary bastards in downtown NY who fuck us at will and laugh about it.

It is not hard to understand but too many refuse to even when slapped across the face with the truth.

And this rant don't even include the invisible Finger Snapper in the sky.

LTFO we ain't seen nothing yet.


  1. This country is owned by the stupid corporations which have MORE PROFIT THIS YEAR THAN LAST YEAR as their ONLY consideration. If they do not make more this year than last they call it LOSING MONEY. Those who empower this sort of thinking are the true whores and fools, as they can not see that even THEY will not be able to live on a hot, toxic, flooded planet.

    They do not understand nor care about the beauty and interaction of what is probably the ONLY garden planet in existence.

    Now it looks like I need to go over to your GOOD GUYS list and click on burned over district to read that post - you have some GOOD links over there...pretty cool how that pops up here on your blog.

  2. Wars in the East?

    Oil spill that makes Exxon's look like a whoopsie drop?

    Financial crisis spreading across the Atlantic TOWARD US?

    Don't bother anyone just awaiting the next American Idiot (er - Idol!) TV show.

    They have no clue what you are so excited about. There must be something wrong with YOU!

    Love ya,


    Getting ready to be evicted again.

  3. So I'm not crazy.

    Thank you my friends!!!
