
Don't Be Teach'in Junk Science To Da Childrens

Supposedly this is a test case to get some balanced education to the kiddies cuz they are coming home crying about the earth melting away you see there you betcha.

Rose Pugliese, an unsuccessful candidate for a District 51 school board seat in the last election, presented a petition with 700 signatures to the board asking that science teachers stop giving lessons on global warming. Pugliese, a 32-year-old Grand Junction attorney and activist in Tea Party and conservative Republican groups, also presented a petition with 600 signatures demanding Mesa County schools keep political views out of classrooms. Except theirs of course.

This is sick shit my friends and these people are never going to let up. They are human Terminators but mind fucked just as bad as any Muslim terrorist and that's a fact.



  1. Yeah- I loved it when it was the middle of winter and some republican saw it was snowing and made some comment along the lines of "what happened to global warming" These people are such morons.

  2. Thanks Mom for stopping by and the comment. I'm gone for a few days but I'll be over to visit. Have a good holiday.

  3. You're welcome! You have a good holiday weekend as well!
