
Infighting Crazy Catholics

Before they decide who is the most fucked up the mission should be to cipher out what is so wrong with this picture. If they fingered that out maybe they could make some headway on this other issue.


  1. So i guess I have been wrong all these years.
    I thought we were all God's children.

  2. Soiled diapers make no distinction between gay, and straight. :-)

    Blessed are the children of God, for they are the innocent. Damned be the elders, for we are the true sinners in the eyes of God. [RZ].

  3. Were I a gay parent, I can't imagine why I would want to send my child to a Catholic school, considering their anti-LGBT attitude. However, I think it wrong to deny them for the same reason black people should not be denied service in a restaurant.

  4. There just is no credibility here with this institution still living in the dark ages.

    The sheep will still follow no matter what because they fear burning in hell.

    And this is just Catholics-sheez!
