
Just Wondering

Have seen this several times now and each time questions arise.

Located out in no man's land west of Maybell before you arrive in the land of Mormon the first thing I wonder is when was this put up. My guess and it's only a guess is that probably after 911.

Does this person/persons still believe the same thing that triggered the need to express this feeling?

I wonder how they feel now about our country and if tea bagging is part of their philosophy now.

More important what are the chances that whoever did this think like you and me and are just showing their patriotism?

I doubt that very much but wouldn't that be something.

There is a house less than a mile away and maybe in the future if the balls are there that day I might just stop in and ask about it.  


  1. Lady Liberty sure looks lonely out there.

  2. There's not a whole hell of a lot out there in some places that is for sure.

  3. Hmmmm I would guess a republican put it there, afterall they are the patriots. You know what they say about democrats/liberals, we are not patriotic! ;-)

  4. Oh man, you are much more tolerant than I am.

    I would have been pounding on that guys door right out of the gate.

    Are you sure it is "Lady Liberty" and not the figurine the Mormons put atop their gilded temples? :-)
