
Meeker Met His-Today Others Need Something Similar

I am not advocating anything teabagger like at all not even close to that but do mean due process.

The Ute's took care of this sorry sack of human shit in their own way and that just happened to be  that they killed him.

What I'm saying now and before many times is that in recent history if the Bush whores would have been held accountable for taking this country to war on lies the worst act of treason possibly in the history of this country we would be having a lot less problems now now.

It's about being held accountable for your actions particularly when you are an elected official and take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Utes rock!!

Nathan Meeker


  1. At least the Utes got their pride back for a while.

  2. For a while Holte and then got their ass kicked at Milk Creek. Locally this was their wintering grounds for some because of the hot springs but they got treated like shit here as well even after helping the whites survive the harsh winters.

    Maybe this weekend I'll go to the site of the battle and I know for sure they show up for a pow-wow in Meeker over Labor Day that I plan on attending.

    Picture ya know.

    Hope you're good.

  3. What a novel idea, that politicians actually be held accountable for their crimes.
    Too bad it's fantasy instead of reality.

  4. Ain't that the truth Patrick!

  5. ". . .being held accountable. . ."

    That's a novel idea for damn near anyone now days. . .
