
Miracle Road A Proper Fit For Sunday

When I read this I hoped it was finally the end of the road where a miracle would be found and here there was going to be more than one. You betcha! Hope meter in the red zone.

Had to go to the rest of the story in the Mormony Times. The miracles were not there but much talk about blessings. Not the same thing.

But it wasn't the rest of the story and you had to go to another place.

And then I saw it. One lone miracle.

"These people were moved upon by the Spirit to come here," he said. "Why else would that many people come to this obscure, mountain valley in the desert of Arizona — was it to see a building or outstanding art?" he asked, then answering: "No. Without a doubt, we have been part of a miracle; the Spirit of the Lord brought many thousands of choice souls to The Gila Valley."

Let's get something straight here.

When all you believers get your invisible finger snapper buddy who lives high in the sky to snap those precious fingers together and stop the oil spewing into the gulf we can talk.

Till then all of you everywhere are nothing but cheap low rent bullshit artists.

Charlatans pass all.


  1. Fly, I've seen the Gila Valley. Maybe it is a miracle if more than two people wanted to go there. ;-)
