
Net Neutrality Back On The Table

It's nice to see this especially when you think it was shot dead.

But it also says these things in the piece.

Earlier in the week, The Washington Post reported that Genachowski "has indicated he wants to keep broadband services deregulated," a position favored by companies that say sweeping new regulations will deter investment and be overly burdensome. 

The FCC official said Wednesday that Genachowski hopes to balance "a weak Title I and a needlessly burdensome Title II approach." Title I refers to lightly regulated information services; Title II refers to heavily regulated telecommunications services, such as legacy telephone networks.  

I will not believe this for a second until it really happens and does what it should and that is to take the power of who controls the internet away from the corporations.

The key word above is balance and to me that means we are going to get screwed as usual.

Another thing we should get but will not.

This will be the last nail in the coffin if control is given to these bastard corporations.

1 comment:

  1. now that the supreme court said corporations are people.....
