
Portand Dummies Fight Over A Cornfield Pig

There are things to fight over but this is not one of them.

Portland police had to break up a fist-fight after a pig-cooking contest that resulted in a chef and the event's organizer being arrested. The Oregonian reports that after the Sunday event, chef Eric Bechard confronted Brady Lowe, the cook-off's organizer, denouncing the contest for giving top marks to pork raised in Iowa.

Stupid shits-what else can you say. Pick a better battle than this. I hope because you were fighting like kids you over cooked these damn pigs and a choked on it.


  1. Just wait until these 'gourmet chefs' are allowed to start packing heat!

  2. I know Portland is supposed to be one of the more progressive places but seriously dudes pick a different fight.

  3. LOL!! As a Portland cat, I have to side with the Portland pig. ;-)

  4. Probably titled wrong and I wonder if anyone took a hot chop in the chops. Sounds like there were plenty of chops going around.
