
Solid Potato Salad

From 1944 in color and way too good! The Ross sisters do some things here that don't seem possible. This is fun and worth spending a couple minutes.


  1. Amazing! Those were the days when you had to have talent to be an entertainer!

  2. Wow! I used to dance but was never that athletic. Their balance and the strength in their legs blows my mind away. No wonder they have such flat tummies.

  3. I used to have a flat tummie but could never do those moves, kinda gives me the shivers all that twisting and contorting!

  4. I could never have done anything close to this even back when there was a chance. I saw this and just said WOW as well.

    Going through some vintage pictures that will be posted soon. There is just one I'm going to put up at the picture place when I get home because I just ran across it and I like it a lot.

  5. Wow! Were they limber or what? That was quite risque for that day.

  6. I didn't go there TC just waiting for somebody else to do that.

    That's supposed to be a joke.

  7. You think of the song when you think of 1944 you certainly don't think of those shapes and that movement. They are or were great!

  8. Wow, takes your breath away. There are more moves there than gymnasts make in the Olympics!
