
The Survey Can Kiss My Ass

Here ya go-

Another reason people are so damn dumb. I don't know about you guys but I do not know a soul who is a Progressive who would ever say in a poll that they align themselves with the baggers. And that goes for Democrats as well.

Just another ploy by the media to give credibility when there is none and people believe this shit.


  1. I'm with you onefly, no way would one of us say we are teabaggin'!!

  2. That's BS for sure. that saves them from saying 4 out of 10 are independents. That is more believable!

  3. And 8 out of 10 teabaggers have shoes that smell bad because they don't know shit from shinola. But I still won't let one in my home.

  4. Not really surprising since the Winston Group competes with Rasmussen to see which one can tilt to the right the furthest.

  5. Democrats in name only. I doubt if they've voted for a democrat in years.

  6. i think tnlib hit it right on the head... Winston Group has the credibility of crackhead pawning $10 iPods. One visit to their site and you can tell how "non-partisan" they are.

    Here's some other interesting things on the resume of David Winston, president of the Winston Group...
    Director, Strategic Information--Republican National Committee... and, would you look at that-- Senior Fellow for Statistical Policy Analysis--The Heritage Foundation...
    wonks are annoying, whole-sale propaganda chiefs like this dude really make the whole democratic process, imo, less honest as a whole...

    thanks for callin bullshit on this one...

    one struggle,
    --rev m

  7. another reason not to believe polls
