
Take Your Pick

The local fish wrapper and the realtor's continue to paint a picture that the market and the local economy are gonna come back. So what do you do but promote these monstrosities.

Read last week sales here in a market that in recent years generated weekly sales in the tens of millions of dollars.

There are no jobs and people aren't buying anything let alone a house the value of which is unknown. I actually think it's gotten worse.

But you can buy a giant house owned by whores and life will be sweet for you.

I do not wish ill on people but when the realtor's start bailing town that is fine by me. They deserve everything they get and more not only here but around the country. Not all of course but many of them.


  1. Those lizards look a lot smarter to me!

  2. God forbid we raise the taxes on people that buy these homes.

  3. There's so damn many lizards out there I tell you.

  4. hmmmm, I believe my rethug governor has given a tax break to those who live in these homes. Thanks to people like him we still have millionaires in NJ! Aren't they lucky!

  5. Not only that guys get a load of this - a few years ago the statistic was that 64% of all the houses here are lived in just two months of the year.

    Have always said when you have a structure such as these it is not a house or a home. They are something other than that.

    All are paying for the greed of many here.

  6. A house down the street from us went on the market AFTER it was in foreclosure.
    Zillow is now showing that the house is worth 100K more than any house that is not in foreclosure.
    They are starting the same shit all over again.
