
Thanks President Carter

He and Nicholas Kristof  for both raising awareness and for what looks like the eradication of one of the scourges of the world Guinea worm.

So many people had the worm when I lived in West Africa to think it may be coming to an end is next to amazing and much of the credit goes to a former president who puts people first over the bottom line.

Carter and Kristof rock!

Not often there is that much good news but this is one of those times.


  1. Thanks for this, Fly. I had never heard of it before. Good news is welcome, rare as it is, thses days.

  2. Carter, Kristof and Outta The Cornfield Rock!

  3. Thanks men but you're probably being too nice.

    What I forgot to say is Carter was president when I was in Ghana.

    The other biggy is sleeping sickness caused by a black fly.

    Lived right on the Volta River and you just paid close attention. When you did get bitten it would swell pretty good.

    I have not forgot about another Africa story Holte.

    Hope you guys are good.
