
This Picture Tells All There Is To Know


Hands in the air and heads up their asses for politicians in DC.

I'm gonna do something now and da heads gonna roll ya see there tough talking feeling sorry for himself Saladbar said yesterday.

A Wyoming whore put the blame on everyone but BP.

Our country  and environment is disintegrating before our eyes because of corporations influence on our government.

We need quick good decisions made on this disaster and if anyone thinks those will be coming anytime soon is nuts.

The repugs stop anything on the table to do with oversight. This will be no different.

Sonsofbitches every fucking one of them.


  1. How about that gold watch on Salazar's left wrist! I buy my watches at one of the discount stores for $10 or less.

  2. Cheney and Bush did all this. Inspections stopped in 2001. Them assholes. Remember the secret meetings with the oil industry?

    Sick but there are wells in the gulf pumping 10 times this oil and in much worse shape. This really peeves me and in Government and the business they should all burn.

  3. Say it again for me, friend.

    And light that torch!


    Sonsofbitches every fucking one of them.

  4. Thanks friends!

    There's a piece about watches that Pauline wrote that is amazing that I'm going to put up soon.

    His brother is no better.

  5. I am disgusted! Those BP asses just admitted their estimate is too low and it could be as high as 75000 barrels per day! Thick oil is 10 miles up the Mississippi Delta already. Those massive underwater plumes must be surfacing on the other side of the booms and heading ashore. This is going to be horrific! I reiterate. burn those bastards and I will light the torch!By the way, Hi Suzan!

  6. Maybe this is why so many voters are angry against politicians and are voting the rascals out.

  7. That's true but think also they believe this is the beginning of the elimination of government.

  8. Hi AP!

    Voting the rascals out?

    And letting even more (seems like worse) in.

    Love ya,

