
Weekend & Holiday Wishes

Very soon I am outta here to camp and look for more pictures. I will be hanging with my Mormon friends I'm sure in Utah. Will stay the same place as last week tonight because I can make it there before dark and it's a pleasant spot. I will not be around the internets.

A while back I posted that there were a number of hits coming from the "Next Blog" icon on top. Those are gone now and am back to 60-70 or so and that's just fine because no one stuck around just as I do most of the time when I use that icon.

But those who come by now are regulars and are considered good friends here at OTC and I thank you so much for coming here to see what this old pecker head has to say!!

Have a safe and fun filled holiday weekend.

You double betcha.


  1. Beautiful flowers! Have a ball and bring back some nice pictures!

  2. Have a great and SAFE trip Onefly. And don't call yourself a peckerhead, you sweet thang you!
