
What Is That In The Sky

Yea the sun is out. It might hit 60. Headed out to almost Utah to give this guy another look see and try out the Element on it's camping capabilities. Have a good weekend!!


  1. Nice! Have a good time that is a great area.

  2. That's pretty spooky, Fly!

  3. Hope you have one too. How did you get that cat to sit still for the picture. Mine won't do that.

  4. Gee - and you don't even live in Seattle! Yes - the big bright thing in the sky is the Sun. Don't get freaked out!

  5. Yuks abound!!!

    This picture of a picture of Trapazoid Boy looks like it's better than what I took today.
    Didn't do to well.

    And the sun was out and I got to wear shorts.

    I don't know Pm -he don't like it too much at all.

    Thanks men.

    TC I swear this guy and many others are proof a 1000 years ago they had visitors.
