
Withdrawal Pace

Not sex but Iraq. Did you really think when the time came we were going to leave this country as told to us?


  1. Remember their "loop hole"?
    "Conditions on the ground", this was their out, or should I say in all along.
    Muqtadar Al Sadar has emerged as the king maker in Iraq.
    His main talking point has, and is, that the West must leave as soon as possible. I doubt he will even enter Iraq as long as the West stays.
    So, it might not be up to the West to dictate what goes on in that country.
    After all we keep saying it is a sovereign country now.
    Ya, right. It will be an Islamic Republic Sovereign country shortly.
    Thanks to the Neocons, and Neolibs that allowed the attack in the first place.

  2. Right on RZ! There's probably an 80-90% chance there's another screwing coming up.

  3. Right now due to [Times Square] the Obama people are telling Pakistan. Let us in [boots on the ground] or we will kick the door down.

    Iraq can go into a civil war at any moment, and there is nothing we can do about it. Our troops will not even be able to get the fuck out.
    Remember the roof top of the Saigon Nam Embassy? Everyone trying to get on a chopper in order to get out of there?
    Now think of all of Iraq being that roof top.

  4. Thanks, guys!

    Couldn't have said it better myself although I had already thought of that rooftop analogy, RZ.

    Nice one.

    And the TV'ers will just love it, won't they? Some real excitement after the Tea Bagging subsides.


  5. There is no way in hell this will end well and that was said years ago.
