
Another Classic From The Maybell Bible Church

It all becomes so clear when ones mind is clouded with impossibilities. I cannot wait until it's time again for the next one.

Down the road from the Maybellians it seems to me it's time to stop insulting the sky being and freshen up the damn sign. Where's the respect you lovers of the impossible??


  1. I am surprised there is not a No Trespassing sign next to Gods Country.

  2. Or one that says "Have Your Papers Ready!"

  3. No man is an island.

    They keep excluding more and more peeps from the flock.

    A pasture can over grow a lonely shepherd.

  4. I used to drink Old Style Beer because it was pure brewed in God's Country. It didn't look anything like that picture you posted.

    Considering the way things are going I don't think God would want to spend any time on this planet anyway. He's God. He must have made His own country and abandoned this one by now.

  5. As big a mess this country is in and all the praying and other dumb shit religiously insane shit being done in the cloud being's name we should be living in nirvana.

    Like the gulf these fucking imbeciles think praying is the answer out of the oil they are all standing in and god tells them to drill more.

    It sure as hell ain't god that's helping them it's government that's paid for by you and me.

    Dumb ass fucking slugs! All they are doing is making my country dumber than it already is.

    I'm sorry but I am unable to even begin to be nice to these people.

  6. If the physicists who described the Big Bang had been religious, would they have called it God's Fart? After he ripped it, he walked away and hasn't been back since.

  7. and a Mighty YUK YUK was heard from on high.
