
Arizona Gestapo Scared Easily

White powder on da table - run run everybody.

Then they went and screwed with the people in eight other apartments making them leave.

They do this shit a lot of the time to justify what they do. They were in no danger nor was anyone else and they fucking knew it.


  1. I'm not very familiar with your immigration issues, but to stop illegalities and all the bla bla about it, perhaps the two continents North America and South America should unite, form a union of some kind; it will happen sooner or later because of economic reasons, so make it sooner.

  2. It is called the North American Union, thye have been working on this for decades. It is just a matter of time before they introduce it, and sell it to the American people.
    As far as the Az. cops go. As you know I live, and am stuck in the middle of this hell hole. Wait till after 7/29 after the SB1070 comes into effect. They will really be trigger happy then.

  3. I agree Duta and also think many things have to change if this planet is to survive.

    As for the country's south of us - the US doesn't want to be friends at this time as it's all about controlling them.

    That's what powerful white men like to do.
