
Fire His McFuckstal Ass

Good On Obama. When you're the boss you don't take any shit from assholes who back stab you.

These military types get damn near everything they want because our country holds being at war so dear to our heart and then slugs like this prick pull this kinda shit.

Kick his sorry ass out the door and we'll all be better off.


  1. McChrystal aided in the Pat Tillman coverup.


  2. MChrystal was also Cheney's right hand man for assasinations....

  3. Obama will do as he's told but the idea he's hanging out with the likes of this guy pretty much means they are on the same page. I don't trust any of these fuckers I tell you.

    I'd like to see something good happen for our side but face it it's not going to happen.

    Well lose this just like everyone else has lost. And the cannon fodder will keep stepping up to the plate.

  4. Barry's about to have his Harry (Truman) moment? I'm not sayin', just askin'...

  5. you are right about the place of honor we give our military. we adore power. we came from oppression and we deal it out, no sweat.
