
Once Again-Why Are We In Afghanistan?

What can I say except that confusion reigns when it comes to why we are in this country for years and years and this doesn't help.

This piece via VOA and they don't lie.

This isn't really new but reinforces why we are correct and must leave. I'll believe it when I see it if troops are withdrawn a year from now.

We love wars way too much to rush away from one.


  1. I think we want Afghanistan because we're afraid some one else might get it? Can that be right?

  2. If and when you get out of Afghanistan, they'll come after you, to your territory as terrorists. They already know the truth - America with all the high technology is weak, cannot and will not win.Soldiers who grew up in a liberal place are too softy for wars.

    Afganistan is the basis of Al-Qaida and as such a big threat to all the american influence and interests in that part of the world. So America's involvement in Afganistan is understandable, but she has to be realistic - not to start a war because she cannot win it.

  3. All the money that's being spent to fight this war is going into corporate hands and they want to keep it flowing no matter how much blood it costs.
    The only thing that made us get out of Vietnam was the reaction to the draft. It seems we're willing to pay through the nose as Billy Bob off the farm and street kids that see the military as a way up are willing to die, but don't force other people to put their lives on the line.

  4. Great comments all! Don't start a war you can't win. We wouldn't do that for a number of reasons every one of which sucks.

  5. this type of behavior worked out REAL well for us in Vietnam... remember?

    yeah, well, neither do I... paying off warlords is never a good idea. TO paraphrase Emma Goldman, anyone who would agree with you for a bribe would disagree with you for a better bribe... this has bad joojoo written all over it

  6. I member that but when you can do whatever you choose with no accountability and you corpo buddy whores make big buck well all cards are on da table.

    Things are going to come to a head here real soon.

    Anyone who shoots into and or from Iran this world will enter a depression.
