
21 More And Not In Ciudad Juarez

Just outside of Nogales another gun battle.

What's all important here is this-
More than 23,000 people have been killed by drug violence since late 2006, when President Felipe Calderon began deploying thousands of troops and federal police to drug hot spots.

Of course what does our country do but the exact same thing. No one in congress says a damn thing as after all it's mostly the brown people killing each other and above all else our country loves da killing aspect of doing business outside our borders.


  1. Exactly! They're mere wogs, untermenschen, cockroaches to be exterminated, it isn't as if they were real people, God's people, white Americans. No racism here, nosiree!

    - Badtux the Disgusted Penguin

  2. Yup the not so new race but certainly new to place the blame on. I''ll be done dead and gone and it will be the same on da border with the browns and da pot.

    The baggers will be in charge and people will be living the new order of life here in the good 'ol US of Assholes!

  3. What a mess. It's another cost of the war on drugs. As it works in most wars, it's primarily the civilians who are suffering.

  4. What's so sad guys is that nothing is changing and it is getting worse at least that's what I see.
