
27000 Of What Kind Of Wells

Abandoned underwater wells you know. Oh you didn't know. Nor I but we do now.

I suppose if a number of these were leaking we would know about it. If there are rules and regulation in place to see that leaks are prevented then given the environment these wells are in the oil need to be held accountable and it's just that simple.

We don't make massive profits on selling oil they do. Not enough people to inspect and regulate then hire some more what's so hard about that? Given recent circumstances can someone take charge and hold these terrorist accountable.


  1. I didn't know that, damn it! I saw this morning that oil has hit Cocoa Beach, my family lives there. It must be pretty close to North Carolina. Anyway they say they don't know if it is from that gusher yet. Damn!

  2. If you find that out Jim I know you'll let people know. If it is from Horizon the shit will be hard to ignore like has been done. Or will they keep news people away here as well.

  3. Holy fuckamoly...I had no idea..this is friggin criminal.
