
Alex Is The Bad Guy My Ass

I actually sat down at the table and had me a piece of cow and a bit of sweet corn and watched a bit of news?

An example how media re-frames issues. This is going to be short.

From  Brian Williams at the very beginning "The last thing this clean up operation needs is any kind of disruption. It's happening none the less." and this goes on in the same vane with another reporter explaining how hurricane Alex is messing things up.

This is what happens this time of year down there. It's been that way for a long time. I don't live there but I know that and understand that this is just one of the many reasons wells like this should not be allowed.

Don't imply that if the weather was peachy life would be so much better. Alex is not the problem assholes.

Stick your news up your ass!

I also saw a fairly long segment on the "Russian spy's". After watching you have one word on your mind and that is guilty. How many times have we seen similar and it's turned out to be a farce.

They may very well be but I tink I smell somting here.


  1. One-Fly, sometimes (frequently) there are headlines where I just don't read further. My advanced years have taught me some instincts and the wisdom to follow them. Consolation.

  2. You can pretty much get the jist of any piece with the header line Vlante. You just know what you're going to get if you keep reading.
    Got to be such old shit I got rid of tv years ago now.
