
Another Report About The Gusher

For information on the gulf gusher Monkeyfister has been going above and beyond what you see in else where and I suggest you take a look at his post titled I Think Matt Simmons Is Being Proved Right.

You need to scroll down the page to see this and there is another post below the link that shows the leak in sea bed that we're not supposed to worry about.

Looking at this stuff I am worried and a big thanks to Monkeyfister for the effort he puts into this. He's been my go to place on this disaster. 



  1. Hey One fly

    Good job on this post. I took the video and put it over at my place with a link to you. Hope you don't mind.


  2. Of course not Tim-I think there is more truth over at Fister's than anywhere else. We'll find out soon enough.
