
Another Repuglican Plagerizing Liar

Scott McInnis a gubernatorial candidate plagiarized a piece he was paid big dollars to write. This liar had this to say.

You slugs pull the same shit all the time. Lie cheat and steal until you get caught and then say you're sorry and move on to the next lie like nothing happened.

Anyone with an ounce of brains knows you full of shit. You knew exactly what the hell was going on and the only reason you spoke up is because you got your lame dick ass caught you piece of shit.

Of course our side won't call you out like needed cuz that just wouldn't be nice and the dumb fuck monkeys here will still vote for your lying ass.

You bastard!


  1. Well I ain't got nutin to add.
    You said it all bro for me.

  2. It's okay if you're a Republican. Democrats get crucified if they do it.
