
Another Wannabe Governor Steps Onto the Immigration Hay Wagon

In this case it is a former Iowa governor who wants another crack at being even a worse horses ass.

Somebody better get this under fucking control because if it isn't all of us are going to need to carry papers with us at all times. Hell I don't even carry a billfold and haven't for years.


  1. Branstad is not an American name. Can he show he is here legally?

  2. You no, these jerk offs better be careful what they wish for..in 20 years whites are going to be the minority. Boy the crying will start then, all those buicks being pulled over and papers checked.

  3. This is all political. Here in Az. SB1070 has given Gov. Brewer a big spike in the polls. All they have to do is hint that they are for very harsh Immigration laws and the tea gulpers will vote for them. This is playing the fear card to the max.

  4. And so many on our side say we got nothing to worry about from these guys--my ass!!
