
The Crying Whining And Bitching Begins

Appears Herr Whore Cornyn may be the leader of the pack.

We ain't seen nothing yet.  Could Texas start enforcing some of it's own laws that are on the books regarding illegals and hiring before it places blame where it doesn't belong. 

It will all be Bama's fault before it's all over rest assured.


  1. Of course all things bad are Obama's fault. I don't think this bastard could turn water into wine without someone claiming he's enabling drunks.

  2. Thanks for the chuckle Tim on a day where there haven't been any!!

  3. The Rethugs only attack, they never offer solutions. If only the fucking voters would realize that.

    I support huge fines against employers who hire undocummentd workers...that is the only way to stem the flow of undocumented workers...if there isn't any jobs, they wouldn't be coming here... its a no-friggin-brainer for christs sake.

  4. No shit Dusty!

    It's about accountability and if that fucker bush and his bastards that took us to war on would have been held accountable for taking this country to war on lies we would not be near as deep in the shit as we are now "its a no-friggin-brainer for christs sake."

  5. Oh, you mean the 935 LIES that put us in Iraq?


    I have a link to that study permanently on my blog. ;)

  6. Damn it cut it off:


  7. Yea those and all the others they missed as well.

  8. War Against Drugs= Fail
    War Against Al Kayda=Fail
    War Against Immigration=Fail
    War Against Stupid Republicans=Fail

    Drugs are advertised every day in America and deemed acceptable.

    Al Kayda is like the cloud guy, some idea in someones mind projected onto us by someone with a profit motive.

    Stupid republicans is the one thing we can win. Hope/Change? I'm behind the last one.

  9. War Against Drugs= Fail
    War Against Al Kayda=Fail
    War Against Immigration=Fail
    War Against Stupid Republicans=Fail

    Drugs are advertised every day in America and deemed acceptable.

    Al Kayda is like the cloud guy, some idea in someones mind projected onto us by someone with a profit motive.

    Stupid republicans is the one thing we can win. Hope/Change? I'm behind the last one.
