
Damn Near A Must Watch At Least For A Little Bit

This piece by Max Blumenthal and several others is dramatic!

First it shows how Fox News can manipulate public opinion in this country at will and that is fact.

If you watch anything go towards the end where you see the panel discussion.In that Max frames the teabaggers in a way that I've never heard before and it's the best. He so very correct on this.

The reason I put this up is I believe it validates what OTC has been posting. We are losing and this is the proof. Yes we are and our side does not even realize it. We are in deep shit. It said when I played the video that it was 40 minutes in length but it stopped well before that just so you know.

Got this over at Scared Stiff. Thanks Tim!

Max Blumenthal goes inside the Tea Party from Ram Bam on Vimeo.


  1. I watched too much.
    Made my blood boil.

  2. Yup, that's why I dropped out and gel out to stupid tv shows on Netflix. I just can't take the Fox news watching crowd.

  3. These folks were always out there, now Fox has given them a stage, along with their own "performer" Glenn Beck. Sickening video.


  4. I've been blogging a lot in the past few weeks about how they control the message. A large part of the electorate believes that 2 + 2 = 5, to their own determent, and most of them will vote republican.

  5. Agreed Ano. Where do you blog?

  6. Thanks for the shout out..


  7. I agree with the first Anon. comment that these folks were always out there and that they are being incited--more driven than led--by minds that know their weaknesses and exploit them. I'm really torn about giving them more air-time; it's not that I don't think we need to know what's going on in the sewers, but that I'm exhausted by peering into the gutter.

  8. I hope some people came over to your place from here as OTC took 1600+ hits with a link from Crooks & Liars. That was nice but it's the message that's important. I take for granted that many people see Max but it's wrong to do that because it's not the case.

    The Fox and radio people are very sharp in how they word things. Even Palin has become polished. They even use MLK against us saying King was their here. Sheez!

    Thanks for the visit Nance and the gutter can be as bad as the sewer for sure.

  9. I was watching that. I am so sick of their lying, not in controlling the message but lying about it from beginning to end. It's enraging when you see them idiots believing this satirical crap!

  10. 1)Do you ever wonder if theres any intelligent life on Earth?
    2)Does the Earth Need Humans to survive?

  11. Yo - the crowd in West Bend just toasted you! Hope you are well and see you next time we are up your way.
