
Dims Say They Could Lose

They have said that in more than one place  as well. Maybe they're-

 trying to jolt Democratic voters with the specter of GOP lawmakers rolling back White House policies. "I think there's no doubt there are enough seats in play that could cause Republicans to gain control. There's no doubt about that," press secretary Robert Gibbs told 

Is he trying to "light a fire" as the article says. Who gives a shit is what I say. What the hell is wrong with you Gibbs. Why are you talking like a man with a paper asshole? 

Kick their monkey nutter ass with a dose of reality of where these people are really coming from. Use examples of how they lie on a daily basis and say so. Why do you feel the need to play nicey nicey?

Haven't heard tough talk from any of you that's worth a shit. You want to lose it seems.


  1. Yeah this nice shit is for the birds.
    I think it stems from Obama who is a nice guy.
    I call him the great Appeaser.
    There's a time and place for that.
    I would like to see some kick ass truth.

  2. Or the payoff was so high!

    They all seem to be on the take from the rightwingnuts - thus the Social Security scam getting ready to be visited upon us FOR OUR OWN GOOD.

    Except, N O T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Talk about a "change" candidate.

    Give me the days of RFK and Bobby anytime.

