
Down 71% WTF Anyway

I wish this was a number on the Pentagon"s budget but not in our lifetime kiddies. This number concerns wind power.

I been sitting here and just don't know what to really say. Why in the fuck do I have to get this kind of news?

What we should be reading is #'s 10 times the amount above but on the other side of the equation. That our country's Long Term Energy Independence Plan is in full force. That huge numbers of wind and solar projects are ongoing all over the country with many other programs implemented to reach the goal of energy independence from oil in 10 years.

Something like that-know what I mean. We're not going to get that. We were never ever going to get any legislation even close to that.  How bad we need quality legislation in these times!


  1. I was watching a cable show on big construction projects in the Netherlands. Just about every camera shot not in a city had one or more windmills in the frame. The windmills were not a subject of the show, they just happen to be everywhere. Smart people those Dutch.

  2. Recently in La Veta,CO locals stopped a sure thing wind farm because -well they just didn't like it you know. I think they're cool looking.

    A side note-up the hill from La Veta is and better use was Cuchara Ski Area. Few miles north of New Mexico. There was a time this place was viable. It quit snowing in the amounts needed years ago.

    I forgot a picture for this.

  3. One fly, your correct on people's perceived notion that Wind power is ugly. I love they way they look. Of course I like dirigibles too. We could make them safe, and what better way to fly.

  4. Big Coal has big power

  5. I'd love to fly around in one of those Tim. Imagine see a bunch of those in the air.

    Plenty coal around here.It's a bit repug out in those areas

  6. Big energy is still winning Fly. I agree the windmills look pretty cool, a hell of a lot prettier than contaminated steam blowing out of cooling towers.

  7. People don't like the look of the wind farms? The smog is prettier?

  8. I came past a forest of those things when I was moving down here from New Mexico. Admirable job of engineering. I'd love to shake the hand of the designer because they overcome all the heartaches imposed by the wind generators of the past.

    Eiree sensation, though, seeing them for the first time.

  9. I love seeing these contraptions Jules. It doesn't get old.
